EEPIS-Online (27/11), Graduate Building Construction EEPIS continues. Until Tuesday (27/11), the construction of the building has reached 30 percent. Construction of the building began in early September 2012 and diangendakan was completed in December 2013. "IMG_5985_copy.jpg"This case is justified by Aries Pratiarso, ST.MT. as Deputy Director of Administration and Finance II PENS. He said that the percentage of development is faster than predicted. "Should new 18.75 percent," he said. Laying the foundations and structure of the building itself was already running about 40 percent. The plan, development processes S2 building will soon enter the construction stage structure.

Aries said the funds allocated for the dikuhususkan 190m for graduate building construction, are not included in the New Building Fund allocation of developing the Power Generation majors and MMB.

To achieve the target of development, experts continue to work for 24 hours per day. After evaluating development mistakes that destroyed the plumbing to the water distribution in the PENS stalled, fortunately this development has not experienced significant obstacles.

To the academic community of EEPIS, Aries asked to cooperate in the smooth development Pengerjan Graduate Building. "Maybe the impact is currently felt in the parking lot. So, I urge to keep setting the vehicle into the parking lot so that our campus still looks beautiful is not chaotic, because all it took sacrifice," he said. (fal / sat)
