EEPIS-Online,An accreditation shows the quality of university in Indonesia. Today (30/10), computer engineering study program undergoing assessment for accreditation majors. This new study program which is established in 2007, just have their accreditation assessment today, it s all because to fulfill the requirement of this accreditation assessment, the study program must have alumni. The
study program accreditation assessment is held by Badan Akreditasi
Nasional-Perguruan Tinggi(BAN-PT), this agencies which is working under
the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia is
believed to make an assessment of each and every study programs that
exist at the universities in Indonesia. It can be said that the
accreditation assessment have a lot of requirements which need to be
fullfilled, ranging from complete facilities, Lectures Events Unit
(SAP). The number of the assessment itself was until 103 assessment
which has covered the whole point. To get the real data, BAN-PT held an
interviews with the lecturer and some of computer engineering student.
Some of computer enggineering student being interviewed to test the
suitability of existing data.
The result of the accreditation
will be out by the end of this year, "To get the A result its impossible
for us, because as we now that this study program is just opened and
there are no alumni, the highest result might be B," said Ir. Sigit
Wasista ,M.Kom. as the head of computer engineering study program. The
result of the accreditation itself will always be updated once in 5
years, if the result of the accreditation is B, the study program will
be given 5 years to fix the lack of the study program so the study
program still have chance to get A. "Even if the result of the
accreditation is A, the agency will check the facility an once in 5
years , I hope that after graduate from computer egineering they can be
excelent graduate student," said Sigit as the computer engineering
In the future, with the result of the accreditation ,
the computer engineering can be develop and lead the student to be the
best student, of course those job must work with balancing the
cooperation with all of aspect, example the lecture, workers and the
student. (and)