EEPIS-Online, the day of the day awaited by lovers of KRI and KRCI robot, this time of the PENS team did not prepare his team behind in order not to disappoint the supporters. On Monday (05/07) days before the H housed at the Lab Robot was crowded with some PENSMANIA PENS, PENS-robot nicknamed fans who want to see a demo of the robot team PENS, especially from a team KRCI (Indonesian Intelligent Robot Contest). As in previous years, KRCI consists of several divisions including the division wheeled, legged and humanoid. At KRCI legged division, robots are required to walk from point A to point B to extinguish the fire quickly. Of course, the robot must pass through several barriers in the form of bumps on the way to extinguish the fire. Not just leave it at that, after the fire goes out the robot is also in demand to return to the Home with the shortest possible time.

Nama KRCI legged robot is quite unique in that EILERO. Obviously the name of the robot is not just a name but it has significance for its creator. EILERO means eepis Intelligent Robot Leg.
Six-legged robot is quite agile when compared to last year legged robot. This is the pride of the team fronted by Edi Suprapto, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Miftahul Arrijal Rifa i, Department of Electronic Engineering, Dany Preistian, Department of Computer Engineering, and Sulfan Good Setyawan, Department of Electronics Engineering
In addition to agility, the difference-legged robot with a year ago that the simple design and weighs a fairly light in accordance with the input of Ir.Dadet Pramadihanto, M.Eng, Ph.D., as director of the PENS-legged robot that wants this time performed with a minimalist design , with a six-foot robot was stable and able to work effectively. Demands of the director is making a team formed early November 2011 and then worked enough extra in the making even more so in the weeks before the H. They received a dispensation not to go to college to minimize the obstacles that often occur in EILERO own. The details are made in such a way that the robot can work with a maximum when the match later. "Finding the shortcomings of legged robots in previous years were not easy. All (components) can potentially error," said Eka Prasetyono, as the team supervisor KRCI legged division of the Department of Electrical Industry. Although he had just led the team KRCI with the same division last year, but he remains optimistic in order to achieve victory in this year. (aik/ade/ryo)