EEPIS-Online, Wednesday (26/10) The opening of the Industrial Electronics Seminar (IES) 2011 officially implemented. This event is an implementation of the scientific seminar of the 13 years that was held in Indonesia in the field of electronics-related industries.
This activity aims to enhance research, development, and application of electro-technical and technological information, and to promote regional cooperation in the world. this time, lifting the "Emerging technology for better human life" as the main subject. Located at theater, the event was opened by Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M. Eng, Ph.D. as Director of PENS.
Theater space was filled with enthusiasm of the IES participants, TCTP participants, and students who attend short lecture by Prof.. Shigeki Nakauchi (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan) on "Visualization of" visible "information by Spectral Imaging Technology".
"This part of the thesis, which must be presented in a paper that I made" said Muhammad susanto participants from one polytechnic in Riau.