EEPIS-Online,Yesterday(12/23) located at the inauguration ceremony of Student Creativity Center Building. Creativity Center Building Inauguration event was attended by the Director of Student PENS, 1st Vice Director, 2nd Vice Director, 3rd Vice Director, 4th Vice Director, faculties and staff serta seluruh EEPIS-ITS.

"IMG_0397.JPG"The plan of this building will be used for student robotics activities, management, and meetings. In addition to inaugurate the Student Creativity Center Building, PENS-ITS Director, Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M. Eng, PhD also submit an annual report, of which about input quality achievements of students who increasingly demand more year, for 2010, from 5446 applicants are accepted as a student PENS only about 770 people. In addition, Mr. Dadet also expressed about some of the accomplishments achieved by the PENS and PENS-ITS student in 2010, Among the PLC and SCADA Competition champion, EEUC, English Debate, etc.

In this event announcements Prodi also delivered outstanding under each category, n Telecommunications Engineering (category willingness experimental modules), Informatics Engineering (category willingness Inventory list), Prodi Electronics (category lecture attendance), and Electrical Industry Engineering (Noncouricullar category). It also announced several faculty and staff excel in 2010. End of the event was held handover cone of PENS Director, Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M. Eng, PhD to 3rd Vice Director of EEPIS, Huda Drs.Miftahul MT, symbolically diresmikanya Student Creativity Center Building. (rar/mel)
